Title of the Artwork: YO SOY
Artist: IYAH ART
Technique Used: Acrylic painting, ink injection on canvas
Dimensions: 40cm x 50cm x 4cm
Year of Creation: 2024
Style: Art Sacred
YO SOY is a key expression in Kabbalah and metaphysics that encapsulates the idea of absolute existence and connection with the divine source. In Hebrew, this affirmation is expressed as "Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh" (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה), which translates as "I Am that I Am" or "I Am that Will Be."
In Kabbalah, "Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh" is associated with the sephirah of Keter, the Crown, which represents absolute unity and direct connection with divinity. This expression suggests the idea of God's eternal and timeless existence, as well as the divine presence within every human being.
From a metaphysical perspective, "I Am" is interpreted as an affirmation of the creative power of thought and consciousness. It is believed that by affirming "I Am," one is claiming their connection with the universal source of all creation and manifestation. This affirmation relates to the idea that our thoughts and words have the power to shape our reality and attract into our lives what we focus on.
By meditating on "I Am," we are invited to recognize our own inner divinity and connect with the pure and eternal essence that resides within every human being. This affirmation serves as a reminder that we are co-creators of our reality and that our being is part of the infinite divine presence in the universe.
In your exploration of "I Am" in relation to Kabbalah and metaphysics, you are delving into the mystery of absolute existence and the transformative power of recognizing and affirming your connection with the divine. It is a reminder of the transcendence of being and the unlimited capacity within each of us to manifest our reality through the power of consciousness and I Am.
Condition: Excellent condition 10/10