Title of the Artwork: Y VIO DIOS
Artist: IYAH ART
Technique Used: Acrylic painting, ink injection on canvas
Dimensions: 50cm x 50cm x 4cm
Year of Creation: 2024
Style: Art Sacred
In the biblical account of Genesis, the phrase "And God saw that it was good" is a statement that repeats after each day of creation, when God looks upon His work and deems it good. This affirmation of the goodness of divine creation has been the subject of deep reflection in Kabbalah and mysticism, where it is imbued with profound and symbolic meaning.
In Kabbalah, the phrase "And God saw that it was good" is interpreted as a reminder of the inherent perfection of creation and the harmony underlying the universe. It is believed that each aspect of creation, no matter how simple, reflects divine wisdom and contributes to the cosmic order established by God. By recognizing the goodness of creation, we are invited to contemplate the inherent beauty and perfection in the world around us.
From a mystical perspective, this statement suggests that everything in the universe has a purpose and reason for being, and that each being and element contributes to the divine plan in its entirety. By recognizing the goodness of creation, we are invited to appreciate the interconnectedness of all things and value the diversity and complexity of the cosmos as expressions of divine will.
By relating this phrase to Kabbalah and mysticism, we are reminded that goodness and perfection are present everywhere, even amidst the apparent imperfections and challenges of life. By recognizing and valuing the inherent goodness in creation, we can cultivate an attitude of gratitude, respect, and reverence towards the world around us, thus deepening our connection to the divine and to the highest purpose of our existence.
Condition: Excellent condition 10/10