Title of the Artwork: TREE OF LIFE
Artist: IYAH ART
Technique Used: Acrylic painting, inkjet on canvas.
Dimensions: 40cm x 50cm x 4cm
Year of Creation: 2024
Style: Art Sacred
The Tree of Life, known in the Kabbalistic tradition as the Tree of the Sephirot, is a sacred symbol that represents the structure of the universe and the way God manifests within it. This tree is composed of ten spheres, called sephirot, which represent different aspects of divinity and the cosmos.
Each sephirot has its own meaning and symbolizes a specific divine quality, such as wisdom, compassion, strength, among others. Additionally, the sephirot are interconnected by paths that represent the relationships and connections between these different divine energies.
By contemplating the Tree of Life, one is invited to explore the depths of the soul and seek harmony and balance between the opposing aspects of existence. It is believed that meditating on the sephirot and their interrelationships can lead to a greater understanding of the universe and of oneself, as well as a closer connection to the divine essence.
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life artwork visually represents the sacred structure of the cosmos and offers the viewer the opportunity to immerse in the spiritual and mystical teachings of Kabbalah. It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe and the constant pursuit of unity and spiritual elevation.
Condition: Excellent condition 10/10