Edinson Abello, known in the artistic world as Iyah, is an artist whose talent has transcended geographical and cultural boundaries. Originally from the city of Caracas and currently residing in Bogotá, Colombia, Iyah has skillfully merged his profound spirituality with his passion for art, creating a unique and transcendental style that has reached various parts of the world.

His journey in art began in 2008, when he immersed himself in the vibrant world of graffiti and muralism. It was during these early steps that Iyah discovered his passion for street art, expressing his creativity through colorful and meaningful works on the streets of Caracas. Over time, his artistic evolution led him to explore the fine arts, where he found a new canvas to capture his unique and spiritual vision of the world.

In addition to his work in the fine arts, Iyah also ventured into digital art, maintaining the same spiritual essence that characterizes his work. Through his digital creations, Iyah has been able to expand his reach and explore new forms of artistic expression that resonate with contemporary audiences.

On the other hand, his talent extends to graphic design and logo creation, where he combines his technical skills with his deep spiritual sensitivity. Each logo design created by Iyah is not only a visual representation but also a manifestation of his connection to the divine and the essential.

Iyah's art, identified as Sacred Art, goes beyond mere visual expression; each of his works is a portal to a world of symbolic meanings and ancestral teachings. Through his creativity, Iyah conveys universal messages of peace, love, and spiritual transcendence that resonate across the planet.

His impact extends beyond Colombia, as he has sold his art to numerous countries, including the United States, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Bolivia, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, and Argentina. Iyah leaves an indelible mark, inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds through his art full of depth and beauty.

Known for his ability to intertwine the sacred with the contemporary, Iyah has earned the respect and admiration of both art critics and art lovers alike. His work transcends the barriers of language and culture, speaking directly to the human heart and reminding us of our connection with the divine and the essential.